
we help

Develop careers in educational research

we research

all aspects of healthcare professions education

Research Community

About the Incubator

The NIHR Incubator for Clinical Education Research was established in 2020 to support the development of the discipline, and of individual researchers in, Clinical Education Research.

Clinical education research is research which contributes to the health and care needs of society by enhancing the education, training and development of health and social care practitioners and the structures and contexts in which they work and learn.

We believe that generating evidence to understand and support the development of education and training can have real benefit for patients and the public.

The Incubator’s mission is support and promote careers in clinical education research and build a multi-professional community of practice in this space.

The Incubator is led by Prof Gill Vance, Prof Janice Ellis, Dr Bryan Burford and Dr Megan Brown at Newcastle University.

Oversight and decision making is through an Executive Group of colleagues across the UK. We also regularly drawn on the expertise of our wider network, to advise on topics relevant to ClinEdR across different professional groups. If you would like to join that network, and contribute to the ongoing direction of the Incubator, please contact us.

What is ClinEdR

Clinical education research is a broad field. As an Incubator we aim to be as inclusive as possible: any research which supports the education, training and development of the healthcare workforce is in scope for the incubator.

To read more about where your research interests fall in the scope of the Incubator, follow the link below.

Visit Site Link Clinical education research incubator for



Postgraduate Courses





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Dentistry and Dental Care Professionals

Dentistry and Dental Care Professionals


Nursing and midwifery

Other Registered Health Professionals

Physician Associates & Anaesthetic Associates
