

Critical realism


Critical Realism (CR) differentiates between the ‘real’ world and the ‘observable’ world. The ‘real’ can not be observed and exists independent from human perceptions, theories, and constructions. The world as we know and understand it is formed through what is ‘observable’ from our own perspectives and experiences.


Summary (bullet points)

  • “Real’ world vs ‘observable’ world
  • Unobservable structures cause observable events
  • The social world can only be understood if the structures that generate events are understood.”

Classification (s)

Research term

Classification (s)


Foundational paper (s)

“Archer, M. S. (1998). Critical realism : Essential readings. London ; New York: Routledge.
Bhaskar, R. (1975). A realist theory of science. York: Books.”