



An in-depth way of studying human experiences. It is both a philosophy and method to explore individuals’ lived experience – we discuss it here as an approach to qualitative analysis. Involves in-depth data collection and analysis with small, homgenous samples of participants. May be descriptive (focussed on describing a phenomenon) or interpretative (focussed on examining the meaning of human experience/the meaning inherent to how humans experience a pheomenon).


Summary (bullet points)

  • Both a philosophy and a method, discussed here as a method to qualitative research
  • Examines lived experience of individuals to either describe a pheoneomena of interest in-depth, or explore the meaning of the way in which people experience a phenomena

Classification (s)

Research Term

Classification (s)


Foundational paper (s)

Neubauer BE, Witkop CT, Varpio L. How phenomenology can help us learn from the experiences of others. Perspectives on medical education. 2019 Apr;8(2):90.