

Our Events

Our Events

Our Events

The NIHR Incubator for Clinical Education Research runs a number of events with a focus on helping individuals develop skills and experience for research careers in ClinEdR.

Our events are led by researchers from a variety of professional backgrounds and career stages, and we welcome all interested individuals to participate.


Our current programme of planned events includes:

Getting started in ClinEdR – for novice researchers
The ‘Getting Started’ programme has been developed for those who are interested in ClinEdR but don’t know where to get started, or are just starting to develop their research career

Mastering the basics – for early career researchers
In partnership with the Association for the Study of Medical Education (ASME), we held the first ‘Mastering the Basics’ event in October 2022.  The next Mastering the basics event will take place in 2024.

Faculty development – new and early-career supervisors of masters, PhD and post-doctoral research
This series is to prepare future supervisors for the challenges of becoming and being a supervisor in clinical education research.

Current Events

Getting Started In ClinEdR

The ‘Getting Started’ programme has been developed for those who are interested in ClinEdR but don’t know where to get started, or are just starting to develop their research career. Through a series of online webinars, participants will be guided through the research journey – from demystifying jargon to successfully publishing.

More information and sign up

Faculty Development Series

This series of online webinars is aimed at researchers who are moving beyond doctoral research. From starting to supervise students, to building a programme of research, this series aims to help researchers connect with others, and develop research, leadership and management skills that will help careers development and promote ongoing success in the discipline.

More information and sign up

People working on papers during a workshop

Mastering the Basics

In partnership with the Association for the Study of Medical Education (ASME), we have held ‘Mastering the Basics’ events in October 2022 and September 2024. Keep an eye on the Incubator website and social media for news about the next event.

Past events

Details of previous events are available here.