




Some researchers in ClinEdR have trained as healthcare professionals, but do not have any clinical commitments anymore. Others have moved into ClinEdR from non-clinical careers, as healthcare scientists or academic careers in other areas of social science.

Although this does currently limit the NIHR opportunities, there still are funding streams and awards which can be accessed such as Fellowships for All. It is important that such professionals do seek out these opportunities so that educational research is not lost. Academics are in a prime position to undertake and build collaborative project bids in these areas to develop the pedagogical theory that underpins the learning and development of health care students, to ensure they are fit for practice. It should not be assumed that just because they do not hold a clinical position anymore that they should not seek research funding/followships from the NIHR to develop their career.

Spotlight on ...

Professor Karen Mattick,

How did you get involved in clinical education research?