Clinical education research is research which has the understanding or evaluation of any aspect of clinical education as a primary focus.
About the Incubator
About Us
The Incubator for Clinical Education Research (ClinEdR) is an NIHR initiative launched in 2020 to develop ClinEdR as an academic field.
Many talented and enthusiastic researchers may be unable to develop their careers in ClinEdR due to a lack of opportunity, and awareness of opportunity. With the incubator we hope to provide these researchers with a network to provide support, advice and opportunities to develop their careers.
With a criticial mass of researchers who can in turn act as role models and mentors to others, we hope this to improve the visibility of ClinEdR as a career for academic researchers from all clinical professions.
ClinEdR encompasses a breadth of research activity in medical education research, dental education research, nurse education research and all other clinical professions. It develops and evaluates educational interventions, through consideration of the experience of learners and practitioners, to theoretical developments which shape our understanding of education and work in the area of health and social care. It can achieve impact: the outcomes of ClinEdR it all its forms can contribute to the health needs of society by enhancing the education, training and development of health and social care practitioners, and the organisations within which they work and learn.
Is my Work ClinEdR?
You may not be sure if your work, or area of interest, would be considered to be ClinEdR. We have identified some criteria which we think define ClinEdR to help guide you.
Whether you’re looking for a supervisor, advice on funding opportunities, or want to develop your knowledge of educational research, we hope the Incubator will provide a source of information and inspiration.