

Case study


In research, a case study is an entity that is studied as a single unit, and has clear boundaries in both time and space (location). Case study research might focus on a particular event, specific programme, or organisation. Data sources are usually qualitative in nature, and multiple data sources are used to explore each individual case.


Summary (bullet points)

  • Case studies are single, well-defined entities that become the focus of analysis in a qualitative research project
  • May be events, programmes, organisations, etc.
  • Multiple data sources most usual in a case study analysis”

Classification (s)

Research term

Classification (s)


Foundational paper (s)

Ng SL, Baker L, Cristancho S, Kennedy TJ, Lingard L. Qualitative research in medical education: methodologies and methods. Understanding medical education: evidence, theory, and practice. 2018 Dec 3:427-41.