A technique for exploring the validity of qualitative data and involves sharing either a brief summary of the data/findings or sharing the whole findings with the research participants.
A technique for exploring the validity of qualitative data and involves sharing either a brief summary of the data/findings or sharing the whole findings with the research participants.
Research term
Birt L, Scott S, Cavers D, Campbell C, Walter F. Member checking: a tool to enhance trustworthiness or merely a nod to validation?. Qualitative health research. 2016 Nov;26(13):1802-11https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1049732316654870?casa_token=UZPlUKW-8x8AAAAA%3AQkCBe6xxB8YgJWUqPEhw95lEhX89m2WTx2706nTcUF2cljZSr7_LspSH4NAd5orRgr4o-iAOOvo.